Modeling malaria immunity

Malaria is one of the deadliest infectious diseases globally, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths each year. It disproportionately affects young children, with two-thirds of fatalities occurring in under-fives. Individuals acquire protection from disease through repeated exposure, and this immunity plays a crucial role in the dynamics of malaria spread. 

Age-structured PDE model: vector-host epidemiological dynamics + immunity dynamics

Figure: Schematic of the immuno-epidemiological model that couples the human-mosquito transmission dynamics with immunity dynamics. It also captures the corresponding feedback on the epidemiological parameters (in blue circles: rho, phi, psi).
Left: The model characterized the heterogeneity in immunity profiles, which depend on age and malaria transmission level (aEIR) in the region. Right: Preliminary case study of applying RTS,S vaccine in Kenya. Vaccination lowers the severe disease cases before 3 y.o. and slightly increases that number for older ages.


Zhuolin Qu*, Denis Patterson*, Lauren Childs, Christina Edholm, Joan Ponce, Olivia Prosper, and Lihong Zhao
Modeling Immunity to Malaria with an Age-Structured PDE Framework *denotes equal contribution  
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
, 83.3, (2023), 1098-1125.

Presentation Slides


Lauren Childs, Virginia Tech
Christina Edholm, Scripps College
Denis Patterson, Durham University
Joan Ponce, Arizona State University
Olivia Prosper, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Lihong Zhao, Virginia Tech

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